Saturday 11 November 2023

MicroService Interview Q/A

 1. What is a Microservice?

  • Answer: A microservice is a small, independent, and modular service that performs a specific business function. Microservices architecture involves breaking down a large application into a collection of loosely coupled services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently.

2. What are the key characteristics of Microservices?

  • Answer:
    • Independence: Microservices operate independently of each other.
    • Scalability: Each service can be scaled independently.
    • Resilience: Failure in one service does not affect others.
    • Decentralized Data Management: Each service manages its own database.

3. How do Microservices communicate with each other?

  • Answer: Microservices commonly communicate through lightweight protocols such as HTTP/REST, or message queues like RabbitMQ or Apache Kafka.

4. What is the difference between Microservices and Monolithic architecture?

  • Answer: In a monolithic architecture, the entire application is a single, tightly integrated unit, whereas in microservices, the application is broken down into smaller, loosely coupled services.

5. Explain the concept of Service Discovery in Microservices.

  • Answer: Service discovery is a mechanism that allows microservices to find and communicate with each other without hard-coding service locations. It helps manage dynamic environments where services may be added or removed.

6. What is API Gateway in the context of Microservices?

  • Answer: An API Gateway is a server that acts as an API front-end, receiving API requests, enforcing throttling and security policies, and distributing requests to the appropriate microservices.

7. How does Microservices architecture contribute to DevOps practices?

  • Answer: Microservices promote continuous delivery and deployment as each service can be developed, tested, and deployed independently. This aligns with the principles of DevOps, encouraging collaboration and automation.

8. What is the purpose of a Container in Microservices?

  • Answer: Containers provide a lightweight and consistent environment for running microservices. They encapsulate the application, its dependencies, and runtime, ensuring consistency across different environments.

9. Explain Circuit Breaker pattern in Microservices.

  • Answer: The Circuit Breaker pattern is a design pattern used to detect and prevent failures in microservices by temporarily stopping requests to a failing service and redirecting those requests to a fallback mechanism.

10. How can you ensure data consistency in a Microservices architecture?

Answer:  Ensuring data consistency in a microservices architecture can be challenging. One approach is to use the Saga pattern, where a sequence of local transactions is coordinated to achieve global consistency.


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