Using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) in a Web API is a common approach for handling authentication and authorization. Here's a concise guide on how to implement JWT in a Web API, typically using a framework like ASP.NET Core, but the principles apply to other frameworks as well.
Step 1: Install Necessary Packages
For ASP.NET Core, you'll need to install the following NuGet packages:
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer
- System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt
Step 2: Configure JWT in Startup
In your Startup.cs
file, configure JWT authentication in the ConfigureServices
Step 3: Create a JWT Token
You'll need a method to generate the JWT. This typically occurs during login:
Step 4: Secure Your API Endpoints
Use the [Authorize]
attribute to protect your API endpoints:
Step 5: Handling User Login
Create a login endpoint to authenticate users and return a JWT:
Step 6: Testing
Use a tool like Postman to test your endpoints:
- Call the login endpoint with valid credentials to receive a JWT.
- Use the received token in the Authorization header (
Bearer <token>
) when accessing protected endpoints.
Where jwt tokens are stored on on server
JWT (JSON Web Tokens) are typically not stored on the server in the same way as session data. Instead, they are often used in a stateless manner, meaning the server does not maintain a session for each user. Here’s how it generally works:
Client-Side Storage: After authentication, the server sends the JWT to the client, which usually stores it in local storage or cookies.
Stateless Authentication: Each time the client makes a request, it sends the JWT along (typically in the Authorization header). The server validates the token without needing to store any session data.
Optional Revocation: If you need to implement token revocation or blacklisting, you might maintain a list of revoked tokens on the server, but this is an additional layer of complexity that somewhat counters the stateless principle.
Expiry: JWTs usually have an expiration time, after which they are considered invalid. This reduces the need for server-side storage since expired tokens can be discarded.
In summary, JWTs are mainly stored client-side, while the server verifies them as needed.
How server verifies jwt token on server
To verify a JWT (JSON Web Token) on the server, the following steps are typically followed:
Extract the Token: The server retrieves the JWT from the request, usually from the Authorization header as a Bearer token.
Decode the Token: The server decodes the JWT to access its header and payload. This step does not require validation and can be done using a base64 decoding method.
Verify the Signature: The most critical part of the verification process is to check the signature of the token:
- The server uses the algorithm specified in the JWT header (e.g., HS256, RS256) and the secret key (for symmetric algorithms) or the public key (for asymmetric algorithms) that was used to sign the token.
- It re-generates the signature using the header and payload and compares it with the signature part of the received token.
Check Claims: The server validates the claims in the payload:
- Expiration: Check the
claim to see if the token is still valid. - Audience: Verify the
claim to ensure the token was intended for your server. - Issuer: Check the
claim to confirm it was issued by a trusted source. - Not Before: Optionally, check the
claim to see if the token is being used before its valid time.
- Expiration: Check the
Process the Request: If the token is valid and all claims check out, the server processes the request. If not, it responds with an appropriate error (e.g., 401 Unauthorized).
- Access Token (short-lived): This token is used for authenticating requests and is typically valid for a short duration (e.g., 15 minutes).
- Refresh Token (long-lived): This token is used to get a new access token when the old one expires. It typically has a longer expiry time (e.g., 7 days or more).
JWT Token Generation Code in C#
Click here
Claim in jwt authentication token
Click here
By following these steps, the server ensures that the JWT is valid, has not been tampered with, and is still active.
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