Saturday, 23 September 2017

MongoDB - Installation and Setup

Here you will get to know about Installation and setup of MongoDB for your NodeJS Application.
you need to just follow the below steps.

1- First of all you need to install MongoDB in your System.
    Url :

2- Now Install the Mongochef (A GUI for MongoDB)

3- Create a folder in C:/ named "data" and inside data folder create a "db" folder. (MongoDb default data directory)

4- Set user envoirenment variable for mongodb server bin path “C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin” 

5- You can also run mongodb as a windows service by setting following path
     mongod --dbpath="C:\data\db" --logpath="C:\data\db\log.txt" --install

open the cmd with administration mode. change the directory to mongodb server bin. and run the above command.

6- The above command will create the window service. now open the service.msc and start the service.

7- Now mongodb is ready to use. open the mongo.exe from “C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin”

8- Now you can run mongo commands. see the below screenshot.

9-  Open the Studio3T(Mongochef) to run mongodb from GUI.

10- Click on Connect button. Create a new connection and click on Save button.

11- Click the connect button. your Mongodb is ready to use in the GUI.


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