Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Login with facebook

Here in This Article I am going to explain you how to implement Login with facebook in your website. first of all you need to create a new App in facebook developers. https://developers.facebook.com/apps/

1- Click On Add a New App button. a pop window will be open.
2- Select WWW (Website) Link.

3- Provide App Name and click on "Create New Facebook AppID" Button.

4- In the Opened pop window, Provide Display Name, Contact EmailId and Category.
     For Category Choose "Apps for Pages" option
Then Click on Create App ID button.

5-  Continue with Security Check window. Now, your app hes been created. you need to do some setting now.
6- Open the facebook apps home Page. https://developers.facebook.com/apps/
     You will see your App "socialLogin" in the list.

7- Click on your app. it'll redirect you on the new Page.

Now you have App ID and App Secret Key.

8- In the Settings menu on the left side, You can set other information's like Site Url, App logo and others.

9- Now, Go to Roles -> Test Users Option.
     Click On Add button to add a Test User.

A popup will be open. Just Click on Create Test Users button. 
A Test User will be created. see the below Image.

10- Now, Come to App Review Section.

Select the radio button to Yes. Now your App is Live to use.

11- Now, Come to Dashboard Basic Settings option. see the below.

Click On Quick Start button. it'll redirect you to the new page.
On the new Page Under Site Url Section you will see Next button. Click on the Next button. 
 A new section will be open. just Click On Login Option in that section. it'll open a new window again.

you don't need to follow the above red colored steps.

12- Copy the entire Html Code from Full Code Example Section. Create a new Html file named index.html in your any directory. Paste the Code in newly created file.

Note: for detailed knowledge please go through the Url https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/web/

13- Open the html file and Add the AppId generated from your App.

14- You Can Change graph Api version based on your requirements. I've used 2.7.

15- Now Save your Html File. 

Now it's time to run the html. but before this you need to host your html on IIS server.

So, goto inetmgr and add a new Website. Provide Html file path and port that you have provided in facebook app and Host name as "localhost". Click on Ok button.

now browse the website from IIS.

Click On Log In button. facebook login window will be open. provide your user name and password., and click on Login button. 

Click on Continue button.

You will see your Username from facebook. now you're logged in with facebook.

Download html file here

Take more help from below video

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Monday, 26 September 2016

Login With Google

Here in This Article I am going to explain you how to implement Login with Google in your website. first of all you need to create a new project in Google developers console. https://console.developers.google.com/

Select your existing project. if you haven't created then first of all Create a new Project.

Provide Project Name. I have provided "LoginWithGoogle". click on Create button.
Now Click on Credentials Link on Left Side Menu.
Click On OAuth consent screen Link and Fill the information. finally click on Save button.

It will Redirect you to the Credentials Page. 

Click on Create credentials Button. it'll open a menu. Click on OAuth client ID.

Click on Web application Radio button.

Fill the Information and Click on Create Button. It'll generate Client ID and Client Secret Key.

Finally Click On Save Button. 
Now You have Client ID and Secret Key for your Login with Google functionality.

Now come to your Visual Studio Project.
Create a new MVC Project.

In the Model Folder Create a new Model class.

  public class GoogleDataModel  
     public string Email_address { get; set; }  
     public string Google_ID { get; set; }  
     public string firstName { get; set; }  
     public string LastName { get; set; }  
     public string fullName { get; set; }  
     public string Client_ID { get; set; }  
     public string Return_url { get; set; }  
     public string userProfilePic { get; set; }  
     public string Gender { get; set; }  

In the Home Controller add the Client Key and Secret Key.

  public class HomeController : Controller  
     string clientId = "767676544437878-m5h7tpngqjkch6sr9visngstdu09agic.apps.googleusercontent.com";  
     string clientSecret = "qL78qLvihhfgf9VWT189898fG9";  
     public ActionResult Index()  
       ViewBag.Message = "Modify this template to jump-start your ASP.NET MVC application.";  
       return View();  
     public ActionResult GetGoogleAccount()  
       return View();  

In the Index View Add the Login Button and Some Javascript Code.

  <input type="button" id="Button1" value="Login With Google" onclick="OpenGoogleLoginPopup();" />  
 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">  
     var clientId = "767676544437878-m5h7tpngqjkch6sr9visngstdu09agic.apps.googleusercontent.com";  

     function OpenGoogleLoginPopup() {  
       var url = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?";  
       url += "scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email&";  
       url += "state=%2Fprofile&"  
       url += "redirect_uri=http://localhost:53285/Home/GetGoogleAccount&"  
       url += "response_type=token&"  
       url += "client_id="+clientId;  
       window.location = url;  

Now, In the GetGoogleAccount View Add the Below Code.

   ViewBag.Title = "GetGoogleAccount";  
 <script type="text/javascript">  
   try {  
     // First of all, parse the querystring  
     var params = {}, queryString = location.hash.substring(1),regex = /([^&=]+)=([^&]*)/g, m;  
     while (m = regex.exec(queryString)) {  
       params[decodeURIComponent(m[1])] = decodeURIComponent(m[2]);  
     var ss = queryString.split("&")  
     if (ss != undefined) {  
       window.location = "About?" + ss[1];  
       history.pushState("", "", "About");  
       window.location = "About";  
   } catch (exp) {  

Now, In the About Action add the below Code.

  public ActionResult About()  
       GoogleDataModel model = new GoogleDataModel();  
       if (Request.QueryString["access_token"] != null)  
         string test = Request.QueryString["access_token"];  
       if (Request.QueryString["access_token"] != null)  
         String URI = "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo?access_token=" + Request.QueryString["access_token"].ToString();  
         WebClient webClient = new WebClient();  
         Stream stream = webClient.OpenRead(URI);  
         string b;  
         /*I have not used any JSON parser because I do not want to use any extra dll/3rd party dll*/  
         using (StreamReader br = new StreamReader(stream))  
           b = br.ReadToEnd();  
         b = b.Replace("id", "").Replace("email", "");  
         b = b.Replace("given_name", "");  
         b = b.Replace("family_name", "").Replace("link", "").Replace("picture", "");  
         b = b.Replace("gender", "").Replace("locale", "").Replace(":", "");  
         b = b.Replace("\"", "").Replace("name", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");  
         "id": "109124950535374******"  
          "email": "usernamil@gmail.com"  
          "verified_email": true  
          "name": "firstname lastname"  
          "given_name": "firstname"  
          "family_name": "lastname"  
          "link": "https://plus.google.com/10912495053537********"  
          "picture": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/......./photo.jpg"  
          "gender": "male"  
          "locale": "en" }   
         Array ar = b.Split(",".ToCharArray());  
         for (int p = 0; p < ar.Length; p++)  
           ar.SetValue(ar.GetValue(p).ToString().Trim(), p);  
         model.Email_address = ar.GetValue(1).ToString();  
         model.Google_ID = ar.GetValue(0).ToString();  
         model.firstName = ar.GetValue(4).ToString();  
         model.LastName = ar.GetValue(5).ToString();  
         model.fullName = model.firstName + " " + model.LastName;  
         model.Gender = ar.GetValue(8).ToString();  
         model.userProfilePic = ar.GetValue(7).ToString();  
         model.userProfilePic = model.userProfilePic.Replace("https", "https:");  
       return View(model);  

Add the Code in About.cshtml

 @model LoginWithFbDemo.Models.GoogleDataModel  
   ViewBag.Title = "About";  
   <div id="ClientDetails">  
   <br ><br >  
     @Html.TextBoxFor(x=> x.fullName)  
   @Html.TextBoxFor(x=> x.Email_address)  
   <img id="imgProfile" src="@Model.userProfilePic" style="width:auto"/><br >  

Now you're done. Run the Application.

 Click On Login With Google Button.

Provide the Email Id and Password. Click on Sign In Button.

It'll ask the Permission. Click on Allow button.

It will redirect you to the About Page. You will see your Name, Email Id and Profile Pic.

Continue Reading →


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